Saturday, September 8, 2012

Nyan Cat Cross Stitch Pattern

A little over a year ago, I first saw the Nyan Cat video and immediately loved its silliness. It may annoy some, but it makes me smile. I decided to make a cross stitch of the strange and cute toaster pastry cat. Here is my recently finished project that still needs to be framed:

Creating a pattern for the Nyan Cat wasn't bad, but I spent a while coming up with a border design. And since I had not left a lot of extra fabric around the Nyan Cat (oops!), I had to work with the space I had left. I created the border with "nyan" in rainbow colors and pixelated star shapes similar to those in the Nyan Cat video.

I stitched the pattern on 16 count Aida cloth and the finished pattern with border is 9.0625 (9 1/16)  inches wide and 4.875 (4 7/8) inches tall. At first, I used 3 strands of floss for the Nyan Cat, but then used 2 strands of floss for the rest of the pattern. (I hadn't done a cross stitch in years, so wasn't sure how many strands to use). I used what colors I already had, and chose to use the same pink for the cat's cheeks as the toaster pastry frosting. For the most part, the colors I had were good matches to the colors in the video.

Here is the pattern for this project, with the colors I used listed:

Click image to view it larger. For personal use only.

If I did this project again, I would probably stitch it on a dark blue cloth and use glow in the dark floss for the stars. I do have another Nyan Cat I want to stitch. It's the Missing Nyan Cat. The background music is the Lavender Town music from Pokemon games. This Nyan Cat will be stitched with glow in the dark floss (for the white sections) on lavender linen fabric when I do the project.

If you use my pattern, please do not sell the pattern. (Because of the abundance of Nyan Cat inspired products, I'm sure it would be fine to sell the completed projects). Feel free to make lots of fun Nyan Cat cross stitch projects, though! Also feel free to use different colors if desired. Have fun stitching!


  1. Sorry for not replying sooner! I used what colors I had, so I wasn't necessarily using full skeins. I used 1 skein for every color except the dark blue (DMC 158) for the border. I had to buy another skein of that color to finish the border. I can't remember if I started with a full skein of that color or not. It would probably be a good idea to have 2 skeins of that color, just in case.

    I guess I should update the pattern with skein requirements. Completely forgot about that! I hope your project turns out well!

  2. So cute ! Mite try to make this for my brother ! Would be fun :P
